Tag Archives: moving to Greece

5 Key Things You Should Know About Greece Before Moving Here

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Thinking of moving to Greece and striking it up on the golden sands?Fine, you are not alone. Many migrants are living in Greece, embracing the culture, exploring the beautiful coast, and tucking into some local delicacies.
But before packing your bags and head to the airport, you might familiarise yourself with the ins and outs of this storied Mediterranean country. It is also great to take the help of a removalRemovals company to know everything about the place and also make your move easy. Below, I’m going to share some key things that you should know before moving to Greece.

1. Prepare for Name Day Celebration

In some places around the world, names are generally allocated to a certain date. And this is a common tradition in Greece for celebrating them and Greek inclined to go on name days. Like birthdays, family and friends will be invited to an open house, where they can drop by and give their wishes and a small gift. Name days are generally bigger than birthdays in Greece.

2. Consider Healthcare Insurance

If you are planning to move to Greece, you may need to consider receiving private healthcare insurance. Emergency care in Greece is free of charge, nonetheless of your nationality. While an emigrant is working, has a communal security number and reimbursements for public health insurance, they will have to recompense their own medical bills for more primary attention visits. So, it is great to asylum your back and takes out private insurance.
Though the quality of healthcare in Greece is usually quite good, most expatriates opt for some form of private health insurance to get better quality care and shorter waiting times.

3. Drink Coffee Like a Local

If you like coffee, Greece is one of the top 20 countries around the world with the highest coffee consumption. There are several ways people in Greece like their morning coffee mix- most of which are served without milk. On the acrimonious end of the coffee scale, you have ‘sketos’, which is a strong Greek coffee aided without sugar. If you have a sugary tooth, though you might favor a ‘Vasilikos coffee, which contains two teaspoons of coffee and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.

4. Always Carry Cash

If you are moving to Greece from the UK, it might have come as a wonder that most expenses are done in cash. While hotels and restaurants generally receive credit or debit cards, a lot of small businesses, cafes, taxis, or street sellers will only accept Euros in cash. Also, the further you draft left from the tourist areas, the slight card expenditures will become.

5. Family Structure

Greek families have a tendency to be very close-knit; it is very usual for children to live at home till they are married, and occasionally even longer. Insulting your parent in Greece is considered one of the lowest things a person can do. Greeks have two fathers and two mothers: their biological parents, along with god and the Virgin Mary. Therefore, disrespect to the biological parents is seen as disregard towards the Holy family – a big no-no.

These are some important things that you need to know about Greece before moving here. You can find an experienced company to make your move to Greece or any other location easy and hassle-free.